Triskel Healthcare
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Finding the Fair Price for Healthcare
Healthcare providers: are you receiving fair reimbursement rates?
Triskel has the answer
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10 Billion +
Data Points
1 million +
Providers Analyzed
100,000 +
Practices Identified
150 +

Triskel empowers providers with data


Compare rates against peers and across payors


Negotiate and partner with the best payors


Increase revenues and business valuations

Start with the Dashboard for summary of the most frequently billed codes for your specialty
For more in depth research dig into our comprehensive analysis pages: Data, Revenue, Peers, Payors, and Maps

Reimbursement Rates by Insurer
Reimbursement Rates vs Peers

See what other providers are reimbursed for the codes you bill everyday

Reimbursement Rates by Insurer

Compare payors in your market and partner with the best

Reimbursement Rates by Insurer
Provider Maps

Analyze how your rates compare with other local and national markets


We believe in fair and transparent healthcare pricing