Triskel Healthcare
Last Name
Individual NPI
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How does Triskel help providers?
A: We have analyzed billions of individual payor reimbursement rates and have developed algorithms which transform that raw data into detailed practice level information. We have discovered that most healthcare providers are not receiving the most competitive rates and have built a FREE platform with tools to make this information available.

Using Triskel, providers can quickly compare their payor reimbursement rates against their peers, helping providers know how and where they can increase revenue.

Q: If I sign up how does Triskel help me analyze my practice rates?
A: The Dashboard gives a summary of the most frequently billed codes for your practice type. You can see your rates vs your peers ("Top Services"), where your prices differ the most from your peers ("Biggest Gaps"), and how your reimbursement rates stack up for the biggest payors ("Payor Summary"). For more in depth research dig into our comprehensive analysis pages: Data, Revenue, Peers, Payors, and Maps.

Q: How do you decide which CPT codes to analyze?
A: We use a variety of sources to determine the most frequently billed codes for your specialty, ensuring that you can compare your rates across all your most billed services. You can add additional codes to the list which are not in your default group (and delete codes in the default group) in Settings.

Q: How much does Triskel cost?
A: Triskel is free.

Q: How many providers do you have in your database?
A: 1,000,000 +

Q: How many payors do you have in your database?
A: We have data from 9 payors: Aetna, BCBS, Centene, Cigna, Connecticare, HCSC, Humana, Kaiser, and United. We plan to add additional payors over time.

Q: What is the CMS Transparency in Coverage final rule?
A: CMS Transparency in Coverage requires all insurers offering individual and group plans to disclose negotiated reimbursement rates with their participants. Insurers must either provide machine readable files which disclose all negotiated reimbursement rates (the data which Triskel uses) or they must provide specific tools which help plan participants know their cost before a service is administered. The Transparency in Coverage final rule ensures that health care pricing is no longer a mystery for consumers or for providers. Triskel is using this data to level the playing field for providers, who for too long have had no transparency around their reimbursement rates.